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NO THING IS WORTH IT ~ The Arcturian Council

Number 8 in a series of articles called 'The Relationship Articles'

February 28th 2020

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council and we are here today to let you know that there is no thing in your life that is worth disturbing your peace of mind for.

When you are centred and balanced within you are able to see things that occur around you in your lives from a different perspective than when you are stressed and out of balance. We want you to know that there is no thing that is ever worth you losing your centre and balance over.

Once you can accept this and deeply know it, you can put the cart before the horse so to speak and know that if something in your life is disturbing you there is no true basis for it and that will help you to change your perspective.

We do not mean to suggest that the things that trouble you in your lives are insignificant, but rather that adjusting your perspective a little will help you to retain your equilibrium in trying times. As you make these small adjustments over time you will find it easier to stay calm and balanced no matter what the circumstances of your life happen to be.

We leave you now with our fondest love.

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

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